About This Department

Department: Department of English Language, Literature and Linguistics
Insitution: Providence University
  Taichung, Shalu

The Department of English Language, Literature and Linguistics was established in 1956, more than fifty years ago, and it is one of the oldest departments in Providence University. It provides both graduate and undergraduate education in the subfields of literature, linguistics and English teaching. With learning in the humanities and the skills of language use, students are expected to achieve personal development and contribute to the general welfare of the society.

Full-time teachers of the Department of English Language, Literature and Linguistics are scholars who graduated from well-known universities in Taiwan and abroad. They help create opportunities for both faculties and students to understand the differences between Western and Eastern language, cultures and literature. The curriculum aims to equip students with excellent ability in English listening, speaking, reading, and writing for the future work or for future study at home and abroad. Juniors and Seniors may choose Literature, Linguistics, and English Teaching as their concentration according to their interest.

The Graduate program aims to refine students in the fields of literature, linguistic, and language teaching so as to create sound scholars and rigorous educators. We have the newest audio-visual resources and computers for teaching in order to develop students’ academic interest and research abilities. A proposal for setting up a Ph.D. program focusing on interdisciplinary study of TESL, literature, and linguistics has been submitted to the university and is under the screening procedures at the present time. Hopefully we can launch this program in the near future and more young scholars will join us.