Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Margaret Terry Orr

  • Associate Professor
  • Margaret Terry Orr
  • Division of Educational Leadership, Administration, and Policy
  • http://www.fordham.edu/academics/colleges__graduate_s/gradua...
  • Fordham University
  • New York, New York 10458
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Orr is an expert in mixed-methods research to investigate applied problems and evaluate programs, policies and systemic initiatives. Her current research interests are two-fold: 1) to continue rigorous performance assessment research and development in educational leadership, nationally and internationally; and 2) to investigate and develop inquiry-oriented educational leadership to more effectively address intractable problems in schools and other educating institutions.

    She recently completed a four-year initiative to develop a performance assessment system for principal licensure in Massachusetts and is currently advising California on field testing performance assessments for principal licensure. Her earlier research focused on innovative approaches to improve youth opportunities for college and careers, through model programs and district and community reforms, highlighting the centrality of leadership and the limits of narrow policy solutions.

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