Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    C. Anne Gutshall

  • Associate Professor
  • Chair
  • C. Anne Gutshall
  • Department of Teacher Education
  • http://teachered.cofc.edu/faculty-staff-listing/index.php
  • College of Charleston
  • 66 George St
    Charleston, South Carolina 29424
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Anne is interested in exploring the personal qualities of effective teachers. In a blend of both her psychological training as well as her dedication to preparing excellent teachers, Anne's research explores both the affective traits of teachers that enable them to be successful as well as the cognitive qualities or beliefs of successful teachers. Currently, Anne is working on research that seeks to measure teachers' beliefs regarding the malleabilty/stability of intelligence and the implications of these beliefs on students in the classroom. She is also exploring the impact that school based interventions for non-cognitive factors like growth mindset and grit have on learner outcomes.

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