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Curriculum & Education Academia

    Tonya Huber

  • Professor
  • Tonya Huber
  • College of Education
  • http://www.tamiu.edu/coedu/directory.shtml
  • Texas A&M International University
  • 5201 University Blvd
    Laredo, Texas 78041
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Professor Huber particularly enjoys engaging students in field-based learning experiences to develop professional dispositions of “conscientizaçã"-- Paulo Freire's (Pedagogy of the Oppressed, 1979, translated from the original Portuguese manuscript in 1968) challenge to become more critically reflective and conscious of our interactions and their contribution to liberation or oppression of others. She is particularly eager to engage students in study abroad in Haiti in January and, then in February, in TAMIU's Feed My Starving Children MobilePack for which she is serving as the Founding Event Leader. Her research interests focus on creating and assessing culturally responsible pedagogy in educational settings, issues of international service-learning at the university level, and food insecurity for the world’s children.

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