Centre For Excellence in the Explicit Teaching of Literacy -
This is a three year research and PL project, involves case study investigations of five schools in low SES communities, that have been identified for their exemplary achivement in literacy. The findings are being used to design PL to 60 schools, with the aim of improving the teaching of literacy across the State of Western Australia.
Student Teachers as Writers:
This study involves Year One Primary Education student teahcers as they develop their identites as writers. Th estudents are tracked as they keep writing journals and self-reflect on their writing journeys.
Linguistic Racism.
This study investigates the experiences of international and minority ethnic students.
Raising Achievement of EAL/D Students.
This is a collaborative action research project between a team of Curtin academics and their teacher colleagues in a multi-ethnic primary school. The aim of the project is to identify effective pedagogies that accelerate students acquisition of English.