Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Alison Arrow

  • Associate Professor
  • Alison Arrow
  • College of Education
  • http://www.education.canterbury.ac.nz/
  • University of Canterbury
  • Private Bag 4800
    New Zealand
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research is broadly cross-disciplinary in nature, and has three key areas. The first is an interrogation into what cognitive development in young children looks like, primarily the study of the development of reading ability from early childhood to adolescence. The second research area examines what the beliefs and practices of parents and of teachers looks like, and the implications for children. The third area of research examines effective professional development and measuring the effectiveness of it with child outcomes, particularly in the area of literacy. Cutting across these areas is the examination of digital technology use for literacy learning.

    Literacy instruction
    Early literacy development
    Digital technology use with young children
    Teacher knowledge for literacy
    Instructional effects on print word learning
    Literacy learning difficulties
    Professional learning and development
    Adolescent literacy development

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