Issues related to the academic achievement of language minority students, including cognitive growth, and psychosocial factors affecting students success.
The design and implementation of bilingual education instructional programs that utilize primary language content instruction with second language acquisition techniques to promote high levels of English language proficiency and academic success.
Teacher education programs that address the development of teachers for the changing demographic patterns in North American public schools and diversifying the teaching force.
The improvement and reform of teacher education and teacher educators through collaborative efforts of local education agencies, universities and colleges, labor organizations, and additional interested communities of stakeholders.
Policy and program issues addressing student retention and seeking to better understand factors that influence student persistence in higher education.
Paraeducators: 1) as members of instructional teams and 2) the implications of paraeducator to teacher programs as models for future teacher preparation programs.
Global learning networks representing a powerful tool for creating contexts of empowerment in a diverse society for both teacher and students. Concentration on how intercultural and multilingual networking can be used in conjunction with English to further intercultural and multilingual learning when teachers and students participate in computer based global learning networks.
Bringing of new forms of communication and expression into traditional teacher education curricula recognizing that new media can and should also play an important role in the education of all students. Exploring methods for enhancing and expanding existing written literacy to incorporate still and moving images, aural communication, and multimedia applications with the written word.