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Curriculum & Education Academia

    Sandra M. Gonzales

  • Assistant Professor
  • Sandra M. Gonzales
  • Teacher Education
  • http://www.coe.wayne.edu/ted/
  • Wayne State University
  • Detroit, Michigan 48202
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Research interests include the intersection of Bilingual/Bicultural and Family and Community Education with Indigenous and Latino Studies. Family and Community Education is utilized as a foundation through which to examine learning from the perspective of the learner as opposed to the institution. Such examination is critical to teacher education because it provides a useful lens through which one can examine the social, political and historical constructs that hinder educational collaborations between Latino students/families and the school, the community and society at large. Also of significance is "autohistoria-teoría," a term coined by Gloria Anzaldúa, a Chicana literary scholar, to describe how personal narratives can become critical pedagogies that inspire social justice, dialogue and cross-cultural understanding. Autohistoria-teoría and Indigenous pedagogies are infused with the contemporary and the urban, to establish a new discourse within Bilingual/Bicultural Education that counters the effects of "subtractive" schooling models by creating an "additive" environment that uses stories and storytelling as a pedagogical tool to promote cultural, linguistic and intellectual diversity in the classroom

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