Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Panayiota Kendeou

  • Associate Professor
  • Panayiota Kendeou
  • Department of Educational Psychology
  • http://www.education.umn.edu/EdPsych/default.html
  • University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  • 250 Education Sciences Building
    56 East River Rd.
    Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • How do we improve reading comprehension and learning?

    Dr. Kendeou investigates the development of higher­ order language and cognitive skills that support reading comprehension. She also works on the development of technology-­based, comprehension interventions and assessments for young and adult readers (e.g., the federally funded project TELCI).

    How do we change misconceptions and reduce the impact of misinformation?

    Dr. Kendeou designs experiments to determine the conditions that promote successful revision of pre­existing beliefs in the context of the Knowledge Revision Components framework (KReC; Kendeou & O’Brien, 2014). Learn more about the Global Signature Program which aims to reduce misinformation about vaccinations and Autism.

    What are the affordances of digital reading and learning?

    Dr. Kendeou investigates the implications of digitization on reading instruction, assessment, and opinion formation and change. Learn more about the E­READ European COST Action project she participates in.

    How can we leverage cognitive science to improve learning?

    Dr. Kendeou works with STEM researchers to apply cognitive science in improving learning. In a recently funded NSF project, she works with chemistry professors to examine the role of testing feedback on student learning.

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