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Curriculum & Education Academia

    Eric D. Deemer

  • Assistant Professor
  • Eric D. Deemer
  • Educational Studies
  • http://www.edst.purdue.edu/
  • Purdue University
  • Beering Hall of Liberal Arts and Education (BRNG)
    Room 5108
    West Lafayette, Indiana 47907
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Deemer’s research focuses on academic and career development in STEM, with a particular emphasis on the motivational, sociocultural, and social cognitive factors that foster the pursuit of careers in scientific research. Specifically, he seeks to understand how constructs such as self-efficacy, science interest, and both approach- and avoidance-based forms of motivation facilitate or inhibit individuals’ intentions to pursue STEM careers. His research also examines how elements of certain academic contexts, such as science classrooms and research training environments, give rise to the adoption of certain motivational orientations and goals.

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