Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Alexandra Lauterbach

  • Assistant Professor
  • Alexandra Lauterbach
  • Student Development and Pupil Personnel Services
  • http://www.umass.edu/education/departments/main_sdpps.htm
  • University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Furcolo Hall
    Room 123
    Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Dr. Alexandra A. Lauterbach’s scholarly interest centers on effective literacy instruction for elementary and secondary students with specific learning disabilities (SLD), and effective professional development for teachers of students with SLD. Specifically, she is interested in learning how dimensions of teacher cognition influence teacher quality and achievement of students with SLD, particularly in the area of literacy. Additionally, her research emphasizes teacher education at the preservice and inservice levels, focusing on how teacher educators can best prepare both high quality special educators and general educators able to deliver effective evidenced-based instruction

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