Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Jennifer Keup

  • Professor
  • Jennifer Keup
  • Educational Leadership & Policies
  • http://www.ed.sc.edu/leadership/edlp.htm
  • University of South Carolina
  • Wardlaw Building
    USC Campus
    Columbia, South Carolina 29208
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Jennifer’s research interests focus on two complementary areas of scholarship: 1) the first-year experience and students in transition and 2) high-impact practices and institutional interventions. Under the umbrella of this agenda, she has engaged in scholarly work, teaching, and service on many topics such as college student characteristics; the impact of college on students; student access, development, learning, and success; curriculum and student services; peer leadership; community college and transfer issues; leadership and institutional effectiveness; student performance, adjustment, and attainment; and higher education assessment. Her professional experience has yielded several presentations, keynote addresses, and scholarly publications; terms on the editorial boards of The Journal of Peer Learning, Learning Communities Research and Practice, Journal of College Student Development, and Journal of The First-Year Experience & Students in Transition; and a leadership positions with the ACPA Commission for Admission, Orientation, and First-Year Experience and the 2013 ACPA Convention Committee.

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