Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Dean Smith

  • Professor
  • Dean Smith
  • Physical Education, Health and Sport Studies
  • http://www.units.muohio.edu/eap/phs/
  • Miami University of Ohio
  • 106 Phillips Hall
    Oxford, Ohio 45056
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My research interests lie broadly in the area of human movement and coordination. I am most interested in how chiropractic, exercise and rehabilitation affect human performance. Specifically, I study the stability and adaptability of these motor control patterns and the factors that impact on that stability such as clinical intervention (e.g. chiropractic adjustments). My long-term goals are to develop and validate biomechanical measures that can be used to quickly assess the stability and efficiency of goal-directed movements along with interventions to maximize these functions and prevent injury.

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