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Curriculum & Education Academia

    Daphne Hernandez

  • Assistant Professor
  • Daphne Hernandez
  • Health and Human Performance
  • http://www.coe.uh.edu/departments/hhp.cfm
  • University of Houston
  • 104 Garrison
    Houston, Texas 77204
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • My graduate and postdoctoral training were in the areas of psychological services, developmental psychology, poverty, and public policy with mentors whose backgrounds were in psychology, sociology, and economics. Thus, I have been trained across several social science disciplines, and consequently, I do not identify with one particular discipline. The majority of my interdisciplinary research program is centered around family-related factors, such as poverty and family structure, and their influence on food insecurity/food assistance program participation (i.e. indicators of poverty) and obesity; however, I also realize that nutrition and health do not occur in isolation. For that reason, I have also focused on stress, social support, depression, and cardiovascular health.

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