Who's Who in
Curriculum & Education Academia

    Jian Li

  • Assistant Professor
  • Jian Li
  • Educational Foundations and Special Services
  • http://efss.educ.kent.edu/index.php
  • Kent State University
  • 405 White Hall
    Kent, Ohio 44242
  • Contact by e-mail?
  • Her general research interests focus on methodological issues when quantitative statistical methods are applied to data that either have complex structures or are not perfect. She frequently uses hierarchical linear modeling, structural equation modeling, and advanced experimental and quasi-experimental designs such as randomized controlled trials, propensity score matching, regression discontinuity design, and interrupted time series. The second focus of her research is the application of statistical techniques in answering substantive research questions. She is particularly interested in the relationships between students’ achievement, obesity status, and their physical and psychological well-being. She has served as a statistical consultant on projects funded by IES, NSF, PBS, U.S. Department of Education, and state governments.

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